…when i woke up this morning and looked up to the sky, i saw a colour which i got already used to it .…grey… and my plans of getting up the the Koke’e SP and hiking the Swamp Trail was dismissed. What doing instead? Breakfast at the picnic table under a shelter like think with an roof and a joined the couple who slept last night in the hammock between the trees. I ask to join the table and got in contact with them. A very nice couple, could be burners, hanging a round with lots of aloha on Kauai, drawing postcards as a team by hand, selling them and living with that money. WOW! Doubled WOW! Why? Because their postcards are amazing and the idea to live with working just enough to be so happy and fulfilled. Of course you have to reduce your needs, but this doesn’t mean to reduce your fun and pleasure. I got more in contact with Eric and Lauren and we started to have nice conversations.
A local came out of the water with his surf board and told us about an upcoming bad weather with lots of rain and wind with multiple fronts and we should be prepared for that. Oh No, not again, i thought and had pictures in my mind of my tent flipping in the puddle and getting totally wet. But being a burner who ties his shit down and the fact that i bought some tent pegs and ropes to secure it. Even the spot where i might have some protection of the wind let me thought i will be save. I took not long time as the colour changed from grey to a more dark grey and we could feel the upcoming weather front. I collected some firewood which was spread over the area and stored it under the roof so we might have some dry wood to make fire at night. It took not long and about the time the local predicted the rain, the wind started and i had to took the tent down. It was still on its place, but i flattened it, so it wasn’t damaged by the wind. The possible secure place was exact the opposite of what i thought. The bushes, the form of the dunes under it was more the effect of fan or an wing. Air was accelerated and it was a more breezy place and i had no chance to pack raise and pack the tent, so i had to wait till the wind calms down or stops. Of course the rain started short after and the tent got wet again.
The first front went over us and the sky got some blue back again. I grabbed my tent, placed it in a better spot with more wind shade and prayed that it might dry before the new front hits us. Finally i raised it down and placed it under the roof between the poles of the roof. Falling in a nice conversation with Eric and Lauren again, i spotted an fountain on the now calm sea again. A fountain? I have spotted an whale who blows water in the air. No that was wrong! A herd of whales was in sight distance, about 10 whales, blowing water, jumping and obviously had fun out there. No tourist on a boat was there who bothered them and i really was lucky not to spend money for a tourist whale watching, because i saw them for free in their nature. That was a really positive moment who let me forget about my wet tent.
A view minutes later another guy, Tylor, showed up at the shelter, already wet, also with backpack and a hammock. He was really lucky to arrived there, because he was hit by the weather during the hike on this dirt road to the beach. The positive point about this beach was, there was always 1 of 5 bars 3G signal on the phone so we was able to check the weather and rain radar for the next hours which just said, stay there, wait till it’s over. Maybe at night it would be better. The weather pattern repeated, maybe 2-3 times more until the rain stopped at night and the wind calmed a bit down. It was still cooler then the nights before and we decided to start the fire next to the shelter in a bit wind protected place. Dinner time! I put my can of Chili con Carne on a grate near the fire while i was thinking on Bud Spencer and Terence Hill in their Western, eating beans. The night was still windy so the decision to sleep in the car was very easy and i packed everything in the trunk of the car. Sleeping in the Car, again, no worries, easy, i’m very used to it…(2014/12/30)