(2015/03/31-2015/04/07) … right, you know it already, you will not see lots of pictures or hear stories, you have to go there yourself and get the experience. What else? As some days before organised, i shared the ride to the burn with an other burner, Heyu. Couldn’t be better, it showed up that i land just a hour before he does and it fits perfect for the ride share to the burn. The traditional burner ritual, shopping in a supermarket and some camping utilities finished pretty fast. The only problem we had, there was no survival guide for this burn. When does the gates open? Tomorrow or already the day before, today? At which time? No idea. Heyu contacted his friend and he just said, we should crash at the gate and see whats up. Backup plan would be a night on the Campground at Kulin. The event was near Kulin at a horserace track, about 350km away from Perth in the outback. The last km to the burn, pretty nice art, tin horses, placed beside the road amused us and gave us a good vibe for the burn. Arrived at the gate, with the sunset, we were officially declined to get in, but as you we already have knew the people at the gate, Heyu art to setup and a nice conversation about the missing survival guide and the details about the official opening, we got in. The first impression was the thought, that we might have died on arrival in an car accident. Why? It was a burners heaven, amazing landscape, huge effigy, flushing toilettes, hot showers and……and…….are you siting okay? are you really? FREEEEEEEEE ICEEEEEEE! I’m not kidding Wow. On the next day, the official opening we got some neighbours. Perfectly prepared, with awesome vibes, self-made art and already tuned in to the principles. My question how many burns they have attended was answered with “none”. I have never seen virgins perfectly prepared as they were. The week on the burn was totally amazing, the amount of people which i liked was incredible. The week kept going on as a fantastic burn with fireworks, fuel bombs, parties and a moon eclipse. Sadly the wind was on most of the days a bit strength ongoing and the burn of the effigy had to moved by one day. But as you know, each burn has an ending. I wasn’t really sad about that, i was a bit more about happy that. Can you imagine that after a lot burns i calculated my consumption of beer, booze and food a bit wrong? I was about to run out of liquids already two days before ending and my food was almost exactly used up to the end. But as a nice burner you will be felt by lovely neighbours and help to stay hydrated. This burn was their second one and very good organised, it’s totally a visit worth for YOU and i was really happy to made this spontaneous decision. It was a vacation from my traveling, not have to plan and drive a lot, having one week off…