2 groups of small items

… today, Sunday, i decided to continue my mission on sorting things out. Less items i own, less i have to store away soon. Advantage ๐Ÿ™‚ i moved several times in the last 15 years already, so i am very lucky that there wasn’t a chance to collect to much hodgepodge. But as you can imagine there are still lots of bags, pockets, drawers and boxes to open and check its contents. And here i found them, i know that i am collecting them, but not in that amount and so distributed. You can use them for different purposes, some are very light, others a bit heavy, round, angular or squared. Some of them had an value, some still have one,ย  some of them really never had one and others just have an emotional value. Made from plastic, metal and paper. One special are knobs, used for a different purpose. The oldest of one group was from 1948. The tow main groups was already some kind of sorted and collected in two boxes, but never thought they exists in near every bag, box or drawer. That was really some emotional, touching them and got my mind recalled to the attached time. Especially the plastic ones, collected over the last 15 years in Munich, Frankfurt, Nuremberg and some other places made that Sunday to very nice and special moment. Do i throw them away? Yes and No. Not throwing, but the heavier ones with value will be donated on the day in a plastic box when i am leaving, the others will stay and get stored.

Ok, i have to cancel my opinion that you don’t collect so much in 15 years although moving with your flat. Yes, it wasn’t that much from each kind of trash, but all together was still an huge amount of waste. 1/3rd of my clothes got donated to the red-cross, 3 clothes baskets of paper dumped at recycling box and 2 clothes baskets with random crap. Wow, i never thought i will have so much space now ๐Ÿ™‚ Why i haven’t done this before?


small cellar room? Check! living room? Check! bed room? Check! lumber-room? Check! bathroom? Check!

Only have two drawers, burning shrine and the kitchen room left, but that’s very easy manageable and not time wasting anymore.

Oh, last but not least, i found my dreamteam.


How old? They must be 20 years now and they are still working ๐Ÿ™‚ Hey, they are working with just one AA battery. Have to try them out soon in the train, watching others how they look or stare at me ๐Ÿ™‚ By the way…. “A RIEM” means “Alter Flughafen Mรผnchen/Riem”, the old Airport in the city. There was an radio station who broadcasted live from the Rave parties there, which i recorded on several tapes when i was young.

Oh? what? What kind of 2 groups of small items i am talking about? Guess it,…… It will be solved by one of the next blog entries, so stay calm and don’t ask me.

One Comment:

  1. Pingback: Small items, coins, tokens – Luke @ DWiSK!

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