Melbourne-Darwin Day 1 / Melbourne – Cape Otway, 234km

First, i have to say thanks to all the people who supplied me some pictures or movies, especially to Tobi, our car/motorbike mechanic with a proper camera who follows us with Hardy in the supply car with the trailer and our stuff. Thanks to Hardy for the delicious every night. All distances based on google maps. Final total km of the total trip will be posted on the last day.

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 13.29.40(2015/02/23)  … after a great breakfast, the rest of the group started at the campground, while Frank and me started at Gogos house to get to the first campground on the route. As already noticed, some people aren’t very well prepared for the trip and some, like Frank, doesn’t own an motorbike which displayed his speed on the bike. It was really annoying that he was so slow, the slowest one of the group of 7, so i decided to drive alone with my pace after a short break when we prepared us for the rain. I didn’t had anything with me, because i accepted the option of 1-2 days rain and get totally wet on a 3 weeks travel through Australia, the outback and deserts. I was happy to drive alone now, in the rain, not have to care about a rookie behind me, because i told him that i didn’t want to stop until the rain stops or i reach the camp. Did i said rain? Sorry, it was raining cats and dogs.

At Anglesea the heavy rain stopped and i got a chance to empty me boots, which had already the water level till my knuckle. After a short break and a picture the tour continued on the Great Ocean Road. Almost no passing options/permits or cars who really want to use the passing lane to let you pass, the road was a bit more boring for motorbike drivers, but you still had to watch on the road, not to crash in the car in front of you who has now clue of driving on a curvy road (with a well motorised car). The way along the coast was always cloudy with partially spots with sun. After a short stop for drying the shoes/socks and a fuel stop for the bike, i decided to continue to arrive at the Bimbi Park Campground, at least dry. A short walk through a rainforest in the Otway National park, interrupted my trip where i met tour 4×4 supply car with it’s trailer. This was the first time i saw someone from our group on the road. A short talk gave me the information that i was the first(started at last), because some of them had lunch and/or waited somewhere till the rain stopped. On the way to the campground i spotted the first wildlife, Koalas in the trees, one of them had a small baby on the back. Bimbi Park was nice, you could see the Koalas in the trees while camping, sadly they make sound and strange sounds at night and in the morning, but i still had good night and sleep…

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