…of course i haven’t forgotten to spend your gifted beer-money. Due to the fact that your donated money is higher then of the other countries, i tried to convert it accordingly. One of my favourites about Whitney is, that she also likes beer in the same way, and more important, with the same taste as i do. During the two weeks here in Atlanta i tasted some local beers which seemed to be okay. Therefore we went to local Sweetwater brewery to take an tour there and taste some of their brews. I realised that most people really like the beer with lot of hops in it, which wasn’t my taste. Even the “Take Two Pils” which described as a German style brew, wasn’t total different then you expect about an Pils. Finally i voted the 4.8% Blue “beer” (which had some blueberry tasted added) and the very good Georgia Brown dark beer as best. Yes Holgi, i followed your advise and skipped all that IPA (Indian Pale Ale, AKA another dark shitty beer). Last but to least i tried the Double Hash Hope beer which had the most amount of hops added. Strange, these slight hops increased beers doesn’t taste to me and don’t want to try to finish a pint, but this beer with so much hops in it, started to taste again. With the entrance of 10$, for getting a pint to try the beer, instead an plastic cup we got 6 coupons to try the beers. After we finished these six pints of different tastes we got a bit drunken and headed on the taste some more beer in Little Five Points at the Wrecking Bar and Brewery-Pub which sells own brewed in their restaurant only. I tasted the Roggenator Rye Doppelbock and the Breaking Bob Kölsch. Both were very good but the Kölsch surprised me by it’s size (pint) and taste. It tasted good like an Munich Lager/Hell. For dinner we shared an beer-cheese soup and each of us ate an delicious burger.
On my last night, Whitney and me went out to her favourite Brewery-Pub, the Vortex. They claim them selfs to have the best burgers in Atlanta, which i can approve. Was one of my beste burgers i ever had. Even Whitneys burger tasted so good and i totally forgot to make a picture of it. They was even better as my long smoked BBQ pork burger in the Wrecking bar. So far from the beer frontier, i have 4 weeks left in the US to try their beer and check if the Song “Es gibt kein Bier auf Hawaii” is true or not. Already got an spoiler beer from Hawaii by my sister Mephy.
Today i arrived in Honolulu without any important issues. I was so lucky to get out of my sweaty long pants, socks, hoodie and jacket and into my flip-flops and short pants to head on my mission to search the next store for an ice cold, good and island brew beer. Difficult? Nope, somebody thought that it might be an good Idea to setup an ABC supermarket near in each block, so it was just 50 meters distance to my cold, refreshing gratification 😉 …